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Guernsey Dairy appeals for return of its milk crates

12 June 2020

It is believed that some have been used for grocery deliveries, and the Dairy would like them returned to avoid having to spend thousands of pounds on replacement.

"We are now nearly 1,000 milk crates short at the moment which makes our distribution process extremely challenging," said Dave Domaille, production manager at Guernsey Dairy.

"If we had to replace the missing crates the cost would be extremely high.  That is an expense the Dairy can ill afford, particularly as the majority may be lying around unused."

The familiar orange and blue cost the Dairy around £13 each to buy, and are used to make up orders for milk distributors. They are often then used to deliver to restaurants, hotels and supermarkets.

However they remain the property of Guernsey Dairy and are meant to be returned as soon as possible. 

Following a similar appeal in 2018, more than 1,500 crates were returned. 

"We are not looking to prosecute anyone - we just need our crates returned.  If they can so this as soon as possible that would help us enormously," said Mr Domaille.

Islanders could simply return the crates by leaving them carefully at the layby outside Guernsey Dairy. 

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